Friday, March 14, 2008

The Strange & Terrible Saga of Bob Stanley, Part 2

From Craigslist again. Note that we've gone from all caps to all lowercase.


would somebody get this piece of trash away from my home at night, he has the tendacy to follow a good man and and try and imitate his life,

he has followed me to florida this has to end !
he allready twice has followed me to virginia and now to florida,

where are his kids ?, his wife ? why does evil trash come out at night?

he drives alot of vehicles allways changing his ride so nobody will catch him .

he and his drug gang have it in for honest christian people, he works at night doing parking lots and ruining peoples lives, but his day will come!

so white trash bob stanley it is on the internet, that you are tresspassing and are a danger, i fear for my life from someone that comes to your home at night.

be a man you piece of crap with a daddy doctor ! come during the day, when i am home.

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